Just like what my title state,
I had upgrade my macbook pro
from os x leopard to os x mountain lion!

Before I change my leopard
to mountain lion,
I had switch it to os x lion,
since I thought that mountain
is not release now.
So, here is the os x lion
of Yuncin's macbook pro:
Lion had made a quite obvious
difference with the leopard,
and i think it is COOL

Here comes with my Mountain Lion:
Mountain Lion just added
some Iphone feature in this new os.
but still NICE especially the interface

I love the way of
how mountain presenting the application:
The only thing that make me uncomfortable is
that the reversed scrolling direction.
Taken few minutes to comfort it

Except this,
everything was so amazing!
I especially love the feature of
scanning signature in Pages!
So in love

My Macbook Pro is like new now!