Head over to Cheras to watched Axiata Cup 2012 
Never been there before,
so we did some research to have a right direction :)
The axiata cup start at 8pm,
we not going there too earlier,
so I had my sunday in pyramid 
When we are going to the LG2,
there are a giant cylinder lying on the ground!
It attract people's eye balls
by writing:"Looking inside and be surprise!"
I was superb curious what is inside of it!
But there are only words,
okay :/
Snack before we leave pyramid 
Dark Chocolate Donut!
Have this tester from Parkson,
not very interested with the perfume
but love the hot stamping and the papers used! 
If not free for me,
I won't come for this competition 
Waiting for so long time,
finally they came out from the door!
I always thought that Lee Chong Wei will appear at the last,
but... he didn't attend :(
Ever thought the VIP seat was super lousy,
but I already been here,
so I allow myself to continue watch the competition.
The first round is quite dramatic,
the malaysia team player– Darren if I'm not mistaken,
was lose at the first,
he chase the mark at the second round hardly
but he still lost the competition.
There are some Malay babi boys sat behind me,
and keep shouting of his failure,
rude words came out and !@#$%^&...
Come on,
he already tried his best to have a great result,
that's enough.
I believe he had practiced very hard
before the competition
because his body was full of tension muscles.
He looks so unhappy for the failure,
I really hope he can get better
because I believe that he will be better after this! :)
I had recorded some video of the competition,
and here is it:
There are double males competition afterward,
I felt the malaysian player
who are shorter was really funny, HAHA! 😄
He looks very nervous
and keep jumping around! So cute 
There are some performs between the resting time,
and I found this perform was quite cool and annoying,
I didn't finish the competition,
but hopefully Malaysia team will win at the last:)
Jia you 
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