

Be a vegetarian today! :)

I had read an article today,
and the article stated that:
human body need 7 fists of vegetable
but only a palm of meat everyday.

After I read that,
my os is like:
How can we eat that MUCH of vege a day?
Even the rice also not more than that!"

But I wish to have a healthier body,
so I accept the challenge!

To achieve the target,
I switch my rice to vege because
I didn't need that much of carbohydrate.
Btw, I still need protein,
so a boiled egg
and a cup of soya are added


Salad is a good choice
to start my vegetarian day,
and it is an easy-making dishes.
It was no fix ingredient,
no fix recipe,
you can add in whatever you like!

Let's start to DIY your personal salad!

That's how i did my lunch!


Enjoy! :)

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