

Baking Chocolate Chiffon Cake ♥

Sem break, it is really a happy thing for a college student! But, when you starting used to
owning too huge amount of time, the thing will be fulfill your sembreak afterward is only
leaving boring. And yep, this is current happening on me now! Even I wake up super late
everyday, there is still way too much of time waiting to be spend. What can I do now? :S

Baking Time!! This is one of my way to spend my excess time, especially when there is
no one are staying home. Now I can play with the flour, sugar and make some magic by
using those simple ingredients in my kitchen; the simple bliss was made in this afternoon.
There's always a reason to bake when I'm free, throw everything away, just being a baker.

It had followed me for years and baked thousand of times together with me! :)

*Flower eggs*

It is white, and soft like cloud.

*Waiting the cake to drop*

Success chocolate chiffon cake!

It delight my afternoon  

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